adult stem cell banking
What Are Adult Stem Cells?

Every cell in the human body can be traced back to a fertilized egg that came into existence from the union of an egg and sperm.
There are over 200 different types of cells in the body that evolve from an early embryo’s identical, undifferentiated stem cells. During early development, as well as later in life, various types of stem cells give rise to differentiated cells that carry out the specific functions of the body, such as skin, blood, muscle, and nerve cells1.
Over the past two decades, scientists researching stem cell health have been gradually deciphering the processes by which undifferentiated stem cells become the many specialized cell types in the body.
Stem cells can regenerate themselves and produce specialized cell types. This property makes stem cells appealing for scientists seeking to create medical treatments that are used for replacing lost or damaged cells.
Collecting and preserving healthy stem cells early will ensure our clients access to many of today and tomorrow’s stem cell therapies, and the option of treating diseases and regenerating tissues and organs with their own stem cells.
For example, studies are now underway where doctors expect to be able to treat patients within ten days of a heart attack with stem cells to regenerate heart muscle, increase heart vascularity and improve electrical function based on clinical trial data.
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When are adult stem cells produced?
After we are born, stem cells continue to be produced in bone marrow and circulate naturally throughout our blood stream, tissues, and organs – these cells are called adult stem cells (ASC). The principal difference age makes is in the quality of the stem cells circulating in our blood. Younger cells are more likely to be free of oxidative damage and mutations.
We continue to produce stem cells throughout our lives at a steady state. As we reach our 60s and 70s the number of cells produced begins to diminish. When we are in our 80s and older, stem cell production is significantly reduced.
Adult Stem Cells Research: Bio-Insurance for Your Healthy Future
Within the last decade, scientists have discovered that stem cells circulating in your peripheral blood and an infant’s umbilical cord blood are as powerful as those found in bone marrow. Today, cord blood stem cells are more commonly used for therapeutic treatment than bone marrow because they are easier to harvest and can be readily stored in liquid nitrogen for long periods of time. The same will likely be true for stem cells from peripheral blood.
Advances in immunology, regenerative medicine, and genomic research have stimulated an unprecedented surge in adult stem cell research. There are over 700 adult stem cell therapeutic clinical trials in progress in the US alone. As these therapies are approved, there will be a tremendous demand for adult stem cells.
If everyone in the US were to need – or want – only one stem cell therapeutic treatment, there would only be enough stem cells for 5% of the population today. Even if the government doubled its funding for public adult stem cell banking it would take over five years to build up a supply for 10% of the population.
The only way to assure that you have a supply of adult stem cells when you need them is to bank your and your family’s autologous cells (your own personal stem cells). Generally, your cells will have to be proliferated or multiplied to achieve therapeutic levels. There are a variety of approaches for doing that today inside or outside of the body – with many more being evaluated in ongoing clinical trials.